Simple machines are aweome tools we use to make work easier. You can fine simple machines anywhere. You see them everyday in your home you just might not realize it. So i will show you some exmples.
This picture was taken in my sisters room by her window. The simple machine in this is the tring that pulls the blind up and down also knows as a pulley. A pulley is used to lift things by a rope or a chain pulley's make the work esier by using wheels.
This picture was taken in my sisters room by her window. The simple machine in this is the tring that pulls the blind up and down also knows as a pulley. A pulley is used to lift things by a rope or a chain pulley's make the work esier by using wheels.
This picture was taken on my stairs. The simple machine in this is the whole stair case because it is also and iclined plane. An inclied plane makes work easier by breaking upward, or downward movement into smaller more comfortanle increments.
This picture was taken in my garage by dad's car. The simple machine that is involved with his car would be the tire. Also known as the wheel and axle. Wheel and axles make things easier by being able to turn things to open doors, or even operate cars.
The simple maching in my hand is a screw. You can find these almost anywhere in tool boxes, or on a playground. The scre makes things easier by using a small rotational to large drving forces.
This simple machine is a wedge, also knows as a knife. You can find wedges in kitchens or in the gardening shed. A wedge makes work esier by breaking two jobs into smaller parts. Makes the effort needed less, and maks the load easier to move.