The inclined plane i used was a hill going up a hill. An inclined plane is used to make work easier by breaking upward, or downward movement into smaller more comfortable increments. There is a slop on a flat surface. Examples of an inclined plane would be a ramp, slides, stairs, even hills. The load in my inclined plane is the car itsself, and the effort is the engine inside the car.
For my wedge i used an axe and a peice of wood. Breaks jobs into smaller parts to make the effort needed less, wich makes the load easier. It is two inclined planes placed back to back used for cutting. Examples of a wedge is knives, or an axe. The effort is the flat part of the axe, and the load is the peice of wood it is chopping.
For my screw i drew a screw going into a piece of wood. A screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a cyllendar. Causes a small rotational to large driving force. Examples of this are drills, cork screw, and a screw itself. The effort on a screw is a srcrew. The load is the piece of wood that the screw is being drilled into.
ReplyDeleteGood job at describing the machines and good job drawing them.